Answers to many frequently asked questions can be found in the Family Handbook and selected questions are listed
in the section below.  If you are looking for additional information, please direct your question to Jessica Cherwin or Rita Kokotis in the
main school office.

When do I find out my child’s teacher for the year?
An email with information for the next school year will be sent to families in August. Information included will be classroom assignments, before and after school registration, miscellaneous forms, the family handbook and more.

If I am interested in attending School Advisory Board meetings, what do I need to do?
Most School Advisory Board meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm. All are welcome to attend. For a complete schedule of the meetings, as well as the meeting minutes and agendas, please refer to the School Board Schedule section on our website.

Are there parent/teacher conferences and when are they?
Parent-Teacher Conferences are generally scheduled twice a year in October and February. The purpose of these conferences is to discuss your child’s progress as well as to share information that would be helpful to both parent and teacher. In addition, teachers are available to discuss students’ progress with parents any time during the year.

What is expected of a room parent?
Room Parents attend an informational meeting in August, and are responsible for distributing Pizza/Drinks/Treats to the students on Pizza Day. Room parents coordinate classroom holiday parties, and they also coordinate which parents will bring the various treats/party items throughout the year. The Room Parent can also help the classroom teacher with ad hoc requests.

How often do students attend Mass?
Kindergarten through 8th grade students attend Mass on a regular basis. Each class is responsible for planning/participating in at least 1 all-school Mass throughout the year.  This year’s School Mass Calendar 24-25

What school supplies are required?
Please refer to the School Supply List 2024-2025 or a complete listing of school supplies by grade level.

When should I bring school supplies to school?
Please bring the school supplies to the classroom during the Meet the Teacher Night in August. You can also bring the supplies on the first day of school. Make sure all supplies are marked with the child’s name.
When/where do I pick-up my school supplies if I ordered them through the school?
If you placed a school supply order through Family School Association, the supply KIT will be delivered in your child’s homeroom before the first day of school.
Where can I purchase a P.E. uniform?
On gym days, students come to school in their PE uniform, which can be purchased from our uniform supplier: Schoolbelles
School code is: s2370
Students may also wear spirit wear on gym days. 
Where can I purchase used school textbooks if we would like extra copies?
Some families are interested in purchasing used text books so that they can have an extra copy at home and avoid having their students carry them to and from school. There are many websites where you can purchase used textbooks at a reasonable price. The following sites are great places to try: www.valorebooks.comwww.amazon.comwww.half.comwww.textbooks.com, and www.directtextbook.com. The easiest way to search for a text book on the sites is by entering the ISBN number that is located on the back of the book. This helps ensure that you are getting the correct textbook.