Strategic Plan

One of the School Advisory Board’s responsibilities is to establish, review and revise the OLW Strategic Plan. The purpose of the Strategic Plan is to preserve and perpetuate the strong academic and faith based foundation of our school while also ensuring its long term vitality. The School Advisory Board works with the administration, other parent and parish groups on the strategic plan. The SAB comprises nine members who serve rotating three-year terms. The purpose of the Our Lady of the Wayside School Advisory Board is to broadly represent the parish at large in our communal task of educating the students of Our Lady of the Wayside School.

The previous strategic plan was initiated in 2015-16 with an update in 2018-2019 that had a five year horizon. The Strategic Plan update was put on hold during the pandemic and for a short time as school operations returned to normal. 

In the 2024-25 school year, the SAB plans to invest time in establishing a new strategic plan. In the past, the focus areas included: Academics and Administration, Development, Financial Management, Enrollment and Marketing, Family School Association, and Athletics and Boosters.