We will miss Dr. Wood and all the small and big ways that he has supported our students, faculty, and school community. He has done so much during his tenure at Our Lady of the Wayside School and we are blessed for his leadership, compassion, encouragement, and faith these past 15 years.

Dear OLW Parish Community,

It is difficult to find the words to express my feelings as my time at OLW comes to an end. When I first accepted the position of principal at OLW in 2009, I never imagined I would remain in that position for 15 years. Yet, those 15 years have passed quickly. While my first years were consumed with navigating the school during a recession, and my later years involved leading a school through a global pandemic, I leave with many fond memories such as the school being awarded the National Blue Ribbon in 2015.

When I look around the school today, I am reminded of how much it and the field of education have changed in such a short time. There was no full-time preschool at OLW when I began. Now I leave with three filled full-day preschool classrooms. In 2009, the school only had two recently installed SMART Boards and two small computer labs. Each lab had only enough desktops to serve 15 students at a time. Now every classroom has an updated SMART Board and every student in K-8 has access to their own iPad during the school day. In an area with a strong public school district and other strong Catholic schools, I am proud that OLW has continued to adapt its curriculum and services so that it remains academically competitive. It is a school where its graduates can be confident they are prepared for high school and beyond. It has been my privilege to watch hundreds of amazing students graduate from 8th grade over the past 15 years.

While some things have changed, there are many things that remain the same. OLW has always been filled with so many dedicated teachers – teachers that remain committed to the school and its students year after year. While I am sad to say goodbye to them, I know they will continue to carry on the mission of the school long after I am gone. Over the years, the teachers and staff have always challenged me to be my best and pushed me to be a better leader.

Additionally, I am so thankful for all the families that have shown their support for me and the school throughout my time at OLW. Thank you to all of the families that have chosen OLW school over the years and placed their faith in me as principal. I hope I didn’t let you down.

Finally, I want to say thank you to every parishioner that has supported the school in one way or another over the years. The school is an important ministry of the parish, and it relies on everyone to succeed in its mission of Enriching Minds, Fostering Faith, and Expanding Talents. The school has grown stronger because of the support of this great parish.

While I will deeply miss the OLW community, I feel strongly that now is the time for me to step aside and allow for a new era of leadership to be ushered into the school. I am thrilled that Matt Martino has been selected to serve as the new principal. When I look at Matt, I am reminded of myself in my first few years as principal. I have no doubt that his energy, commitment to Catholic education, and overall love for OLW will help him to carry on the school’s mission. I am confident he will build upon the great things that currently exist and find new opportunities to help OLW expand and grow.

While I may no longer be the principal of Our Lady of the Wayside, I am proud to stand among the long list of individuals that have served as principal over its 70-year history.

Dr. David Wood”