
Kindergarten is a time for children to expand their love of learning, their general knowledge, their ability to get along with others.

At Our Lady of the Wayside School, we are dedicated to enriching our students’ minds, fostering a deep and meaningful faith in each child, and expanding their talents. This mission is part of the education we give to all our students, including preschool and kindergarten. We use Handwriting Without Tears and Jolly Phonics to continue verbal lessons learned in our preschool programs. We incorporate math, science and social studies in many different ways that are age-appropriate. Every classroom has a set of iPads. Technology is used to help with math concepts and reading skills. All day Kindergarten students participate in Art, Library, Music, and PE. We value every student as a child of God. Each day begins with morning prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and daily announcements – all of which are led by OLW students over the PA system. 

Would you like to schedule a tour? Or receive more information? See our Preschool and Kindergarten Video?

Kindergarten Options 2023-2024

Full-Day (8:20am – 3:05pm)
(8:20am – 11:30am)
Kindergarten Plus (Three full days on Mon, Wed, Fri and two half-days on Tues, Thurs)
Kindergarten plus is a nice option for families that want to ease their children into an full-day school environment. On Monday and Wednesday, they receive additional instruction. On Wednesdays, they are able to attend the 2:00pm all-school Mass. This also allows students to participate in many ‘fun’ celebrations and monthly activities, such as Pizza day.

Students may be dropped off as early as 8:00am when the older students are arriving.

2023-24 OPTIONS for PK and K
2023-24 Registration Information Sheet
2023-2024 TUITION and FEES Kindergarten
New Student Registration Form printable

Families with students in kindergarten through 8th grade are required to sign a Tuition Agreement and choose to pay the Participating Parishioner or Non-Participating Parishioner rate. 

To be considered a Participating Parishioner, families should actively participate in the parish community by regularly attending weekend mass with their children, volunteering in school & parish ministries, and financially supporting the parish through regular Sunday and Holy Day envelope contributions with at suggested minimum about as set by the School Advisory Board.

OLW Loyalty Tuition Rebate for Kindergarten Families – Kindergarten rates include an additional $500 ($250 for half-day) Loyalty Rebate fee if you have no other students in grades 1 – 8 at OLW. This fee will be credited towards 1st grade tuition the following year.

There is tuition assistance for families in need either through the Gloria Rebel Scholarship Fund.