We are excited to welcome back Mr. Matt Martino as our new principal. Mr. Martino taught at OLW in the middle school from 2015 to 2021 before becoming an assistant principal and then principal at other Catholic schools in the archdiocese.
Some quick facts:
– he grew up in Orland Park
– is a Dayton Flyer and still roots for them!
– received a Masters of Education from Loyola University Chicago
– has always worked in a Catholic school
– is married to Elizabeth, who is a Catholic school kindergarten teacher
– they have one son, Danny, who is preschool age

“Dear Our Lady of the Wayside Families;It is an honor to introduce myself as the new principal of Our Lady of the Wayside School and to join this extraordinary school community. I am working with the current school administration to make this transition as seamless as possible. As we look forward to preparing for this upcoming school year, I am eagerly looking forward to getting to welcome the students back in August. I can assure you that I share in this parish and school community’s commitment to caring for your children each and every day while providing them with a faith based, academically rigorous learning environment.

I actually began my career at OLW as a middle school teacher, where I taught Language Arts, Social Studies, and Religion classes. My career led me on a journey from teacher to an administrator. I worked as a school administrator and teacher here for several years before accepting an assistant principal position at another school, which led me to become principal at St. Thomas of Villanova. The one constant in my career is I have always been in a Catholic school. Catholic education means the world to me and I have given my life to ensuring students receive an excellent Catholic education.

I am first and foremost a father and husband. My wife, Elizabeth, who is a Catholic school teacher and I have a four year old son, Danny. I look forward to introducing my family to the many wonderful people that make up the OLW community in the near future. I, myself, am eager to see some familiar faces and meet everyone at the Meet the Teacher Night.

Since graduating from the University of Dayton, I have also completed my Masters of Education from Loyola University Chicago. I spent my career as a teacher at Our Lady of the Wayside, however working as an elementary school administrator is where I have been most fulfilled in my life’s work. This role provides me the chance to work collaboratively with teachers on a daily basis, while also remaining connected to students’ learning and growing in the classroom. I firmly believe that every child can excel with proper guidance and resources.

My conversations with school and parish staff have brought me privileged insights into the core beliefs and values that are the cornerstone of Our Lady of the Wayside. With my goal of continuing the tradition of academic excellence here at OLW, I am committed to always exploring new ways to meet the needs of all students, and to effectively communicate with parents and community members.

In closing, please know that my door is always open to you. I heartily welcome your conversation and input throughout this upcoming year. Let us always keep our students as the primary focus of our work. I look forward to meeting, collaborating, and growing with all of you during the 2024-2025 academic school year. Go WILDCATS!

Mr. Matthew Martino”